Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Man on the Moon?

OK….this is not a shot of a man landing on another planet. This is a trained employee skillfully removing paint that had some trace amounts of lead in it, bagging it up and disposing of it properly. A building like 209 that has a history of over 100 years, will present a few opportunities for improvement in the world of environmental engineering. We have at least 2 groups to be concerned about…..the ultimate end user and the construction worker. So, we are looking for and achieving safety for both classes.

We’ve encountered asbestos in pipe insulation, floor tile, and mastic. We have a little bit of lead paint. There has been some remediation of mold. All going good and all anticipated in the development budget.

Below is Pray Construction’s fearless leader from the office world…Erich Reggi…a project manager at Pray who is also a stockholder. Obviously, he is not in the office in the shot below but assisting double checking a few critical dimensions.

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